Tuesday 6 November 2012

Yesterday was Sara's first day in the car. We drove from Cuzco to Puno where we had our first sighting of Lake Titikaka. The hotel we were at last night overlooked the lake and we were able
to visit the floating islands by boat. By coincidence Dessie and his wife were also in Puno, so the orange Tuthill Porsche crew gave a party for the whole group in the evening to say farewell to Francis and welcome Sara and Dessie, as this was the only occasion in the wholw two months of the event that we would all be in the same place together. Today we cross into Bolivia and it looks as if the going is about to get tougher and internet may be less readily available, so I will do my best to keep the blog up to date, but please forgive me if occasionally it lags behind over the next few days.

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